Be Your True Mind is a World of Warcraft guild dedicated to 10-man raids, including Hard Modes. Our members are former 25-man raiders who stopped raiding the 25-mans about the time that patch 3.2 was released. Following the break-up of our last guild we’ve decided to continue raiding together with the philosophy of high quality time in raids, and plenty of free time outside of raids. Members can raid 25-mans if they want (even on an “alt” in a different guild, we don’t care), level alts, or just step away from the game.
We raid just two nights a week, Saturday and Monday, leaving the rest of the week free for whatever you want to do. Raid times are 8pm-11pm server, intended to be convenient for adults working on the Pacific coast who are unable to play immediately after the standard quitting time (due to small children, long work hours, etc).
Our goal is to play at a relaxed pace with a skilled group of people who happen to be possessed of even-temper and good humor. The goal is not the loot. We feel there are 25-mans for people who have to have the shiniest epics. For us, it’s the content.